• 16 октября 2019, среда
  • Москва, Рочдельская, 15, стр. 17–18, 3 этаж

TON Explained English

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1666 дней назад
16 октября 2019 c 19:00 до 22:00
Рочдельская, 15, стр. 17–18, 3 этаж

The TON Explained private meetup organized by CRYPTOBAZAR & KAUFMAN Production is going to be held on the 16th of October 2019. TON Explained will gather strongest teams that have not only invested approximately $0.5billion USD in TON (Telegram Open Network), but also are managing over a $1 billion USD assets.

TON Explained
Date: 16.10.2019
Time: 19:00 — registration, 19:30 — event start time
Место: Coworking "КЛЮЧ", Rochdelskaya street 15, building 17–18, 3rd floor
Admission is free. Participation must be approved by the organizers.
Registration link: kaufmanpro.timepad.ru/event/1087440…
   The TON Explained private meetup organized by CRYPTOBAZAR & KAUFMAN Production is going to be held on the 16th of October 2019. TON Explained will gather strongest teams that have not only invested approximately $0.5 billion USD in TON (Telegram Open Network), but also are managing over a $1 
billion USD assets.  

     It is going to be the deepest insight into TON. The TON Explained meetup will gather a lot of experts that are keen on technical aspects as well as people invested in the project at the seed stage.  We are honored to bring together smart speakers, funds, financial experts, investors and software developers.  

Preliminary panel discussion agenda:
1) Brief Introduction to Telegram Open Network 
- TONs’ place alongside other blockchain protocols (competitors / partners)
- what we should expect from the TON user base? (potential transition of the industry to the early majority phase)
- comparison with e-money (PayPal, Qiwi, etc.) и centralized solutions  (Libra, Klaytn)
- let’s turn rumors about the first integrations and partnerships into facts
- Why is it worth taking into account the open source system market? (vendors’ affiliate networks and etc)
- Fiat money and legal regulation; what are the main expectations and risks in the legal field?

2) How to get GRAM and where to store it
- official TON wallet vs alternative wallets (Crypterium)
- installation instructions (live onstage)
- “cold” and “hot” wallets (large and small amounts)

3) TON Staking — a new form of "mining" for advanced users or "deposits" for beginners
- lifehack for dummies: how to become a TON validator 
- work with professional validators (P2P Validator, EverStake)
- profitability expectations, potential risks

4) Where and when do we have to expect GRAM liquidity? 
- conventional crypto exchanges (Binance, Exmo, …)
- derivative platforms (Xena exchange,…)
- OTC Platforms (PrePublic, Silver Way)
- listing announcement —  rumors & facts

5) To sell immediately or …?
- forecasts from traders (DaVinci, United Traders, MM Crypto)
- investment bank forecasts (HASH CIB)

KAUFMAN Production

General partners:
Ключ — workspace network.
Monster Node
Da vinci capital
United Traders
P2P Validator


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